MCWL Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory


Quantico, VA


Christopher Tierney -
Christopher Engel -

Work Schedule Type:

On-site (The internship will be performed entirely at the lab)

Student Requirements:

Students must be U.S. citizens. (Dual citizens may be eligible.)


To develop and examine threat-informed, future-oriented concepts and capabilities and to provide analytically supported recommendations to support Marine Corps Force Development and Design.

About the Lab

The Warfighting Laboratory identifies future challenges and opportunities, develops warfighting concepts, and comprehensively explores options to inform the combat development process. MCWL’s purpose is to assist senior leadership in understanding the future operating environment (FOE) and facilitate effective decision-making. MCWL’s method for accomplishing this is to pursue its learning demands through closely integrated activities, guided by the Lab’s Lines of Effort (LOE) and designated Collateral Efforts, driven by cross-functional, mutually-supporting LOE Action Groups.

What kinds of projects do interns at this lab participate in?

Conceptualize the Future Force: We focus MCWL-wide efforts on the application of a naval expeditionary force and identify its future capabilities through the analysis of operational concepts, science and technology, wargames, and experimentation, in support of fleet operations within an actively contested maritime space in a common future operating environment frame projected out as far as 25 years.

Naval Integration: We combine Navy and Marine Corps forces, processes, efforts and products to produce and support unified operating concepts, concepts of operation, concepts of employment, wargames, experiments, and future capabilities.

Assessment: This effort organizes and integrates a deliberate process involving data inputs, evaluations, assessments, and analysis from across MCWL to determine how well the outputs and outcomes support Future Force Development.