NEPMU5 Comprehensive Industrial Hygiene Laboratory at the Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Unit 5
San Diego, CA
Georgina Talavera-Veloz -
Work Schedule Type:
On-site (The internship will be performed entirely at the lab)
Student Requirements:
Students must be solely U.S. citizens. (Dual citizens and permanent residents are not eligible.)
The mission is to maximize the readiness of Operational Forces and Navy Medical Commands within the Pacific region by providing specialized Public Health Support.
About the Unit
The unit is composed of six departments, each with very distinct missions. The Threat Assessment Department provides public health surveillance services through two divisions: Health Promotion & Wellness and Health Protection & Surveillance. The Vector Department provides education and training ashore and afloat as well as prevention and control of disease vectors and pests that may adversely affect military operations and the health or well-being of people. Operation and Fleet Support Departments provide support through Industrial Hygiene, Environmental Health, Entomology and Audiology divisions. The Industrial Hygiene Laboratory provides analytical testing in different fields of testing for different types of samples collected by Industrial Hygienist to identify and quantify occupational exposures by military workers to chemical substances. The laboratory also analyzes biological samples submitted by occupational health providers for the determination of trace metals in blood and urine to calculate and interpret potential occupational exposure. The administrative department provides administrative services to ensure mission is accomplished.
What is unique about this unit?
The unit is comprised of US Navy officers, enlisted and civilian experts who provide force health protection, population health products and environmental disease threat to Navy and Marine Corps teams, operational forces and homeland defense agencies. Expert technical services include epidemiology, microbiology, analytical chemistry, industrial hygiene, environmental health, and entomology to assist in the detection and elimination of health hazards.
About the Internship
We are looking for bright, independent, motivated and reliable students who have an interest in biological and environmental sciences or analytical chemistry who would like the opportunity to learn about the various fields the unit has to offer.
What will I do any given day as an intern at this unit?
Interns will work on method validation in the laboratory, pest control in the vector department, or doing industrial hygiene and environmental health surveillance programs.
What majors and disciplines are a good fit for interning at this unit?
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Earth Science
- Entomology
- Environmental Science
- Health
- Industrial Hygiene
- Physical Science
What will I learn as an intern at this unit?
Depending on assigned duties, interns will get hands-on experience in the validation of an analytical method using analytical instrumentation, perform surveys, provide vector control assistance, and much more.