NSWC Port Hueneme Naval Surface Warfare Center Port Hueneme Division
Port Hueneme, CA
Ramon Flores - ramon.flores@us.navy.mil
Work Schedule Type:
TBD (The lab has yet to determine whether the internship will be fully on-site, remote, or a hybrid.)
Student Requirements:
To provide test and evaluation, systems engineering, integrated logistics support, in-service engineering, business services, and integration of surface ship weapons, combat systems, and warfare systems.
About the Lab
Since its inception in 1963, NSWC Port Hueneme Naval Surface Warfare Center Port Hueneme Division (NSWC PHD), has been supporting the combat and weapon systems of the fleet by providing highly skilled personnel and state-of-the-art facilities to lead the development and support of Navy surface ship warfare systems throughout their life cycles. With over 2800 engineers, logisticians, technical personal, and contractors, NSWC PHD has worked directly with fleet sailors in the maintenance, operations and training of their combat and weapons systems.
What kinds of projects do interns at this lab participate in?
In-Service Engineering: As the U.S. Navy’s surface weapon combat system In-service Engineering Agent: NSWC PHD conducts design reviews, system integration, test and evaluation, performance analysis, software support, and installation planning and execution for the development and acquisition of new systems, the continuing spiral development of existing weapon systems, and the support of legacy weapon systems. NSWC PHD provides systems engineering services and analysis to support ship combat system integration and Fleet implementation. NSWC PHD also develops training curriculum and technology solutions to improve human performance effectiveness, develops system documentation and procedures, operational employment guidance, remote monitoring capability, maintenance plans, tactical computer programs and availability enhancements.
Test and Evaluation: NSWC PHD provides support, coordination and leadership during the test operation planning phase for combat, weapon and launching systems. Test operation planning requires the development of test objectives mapped to higher level requirements. Scenarios are then developed for a test event based on approved test objectives, weapon availability, asset availability, range, etc. Modeling and Simulation is then conducted to verify scenario requirements can be met. The Planning phase also includes test plan development which requires identifying all necessary test resources, facilities, personnel, material, procedures, scenarios, and test parameters for executing an event.
Integrated Logistics: In addition to In-Service Engineering and Test and Evaluation, NSWC PHD is responsible for providing leadership required to meet present and future Fleet mission requirements in the logistics arena for the Combat and Weapon Systems they support. This consists of conducting logistical analysis to identify and assess new requirements, processes, and technologies to enhance system supportability. NSWC PHD serves as an advocate for the Fleet, interfacing with the Navy's logistics community, industry, and other government activities to develop, assess, and improve comprehensive and meaningful logistics metrics for quality, cost, and timeliness of logistics products and services delivered to the fleet.