The E/V Nautilus Crew Discusses Paths to Research Careers
Interested in a career in ocean-based research? Learn how Dr. Robert Ballard and the crew of the E/V Nautilus achieved their careers and about the opportunities for future researchers following in their steps. Dr. Ballard, a world-famous deep-sea explorer known for finding the wreck of the H.M.S. Titanic and other discoveries, talks about his path to leading the Nautilus, a 223-foot ocean-going research vessel with the mission to explore unknown regions of the ocean, seeking out new discoveries in biology, geology, and archaeology.
Alumni Profiles

Even in her single-digit youth, Amaris McCarver knew she wanted to be a scientist.
“I just wanted to understand something about the way that the universe works,” she says. “I wanted to discover something.”
McCarver was especially drawn to the unexplained, watching YouTube videos on black holes and neutron stars for hours.
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Charlotte George wasn’t sure what she wanted to do in her career until her high school calculus teacher told her that “someone good at math and science and mechanically inclined - maybe good with their hands - might want to consider going into engineering,” says George.
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